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On the characterization of harmonic functions with initial data in Morrey space

Bo LiJinxia LiBolin MaTianjun Shen — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( X , d , μ ) be a metric measure space satisfying the doubling condition and an L 2 -Poincaré inequality. Consider the nonnegative operator generalized by a Dirichlet form on X . We will show that a solution u to ( - t 2 + ) u = 0 on X × + satisfies an α -Carleson condition if and only if u can be represented as the Poisson integral of the operator with the trace in the generalized Morrey space L 2 , α ( X ) , where α is a nonnegative function defined on a class of balls in X . This result extends the analogous characterization founded...

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