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C * -basic construction between non-balanced quantum doubles

Qiaoling XinTianqing Cao — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For finite groups X , G and the right G -action on X by group automorphisms, the non-balanced quantum double D ( X ; G ) is defined as the crossed product ( X op ) * G . We firstly prove that D ( X ; G ) is a finite-dimensional Hopf C * -algebra. For any subgroup H of G , D ( X ; H ) can be defined as a Hopf C * -subalgebra of D ( X ; G ) in the natural way. Then there is a conditonal expectation from D ( X ; G ) onto D ( X ; H ) and the index is [ G ; H ] . Moreover, we prove that an associated natural inclusion of non-balanced quantum doubles is the crossed product by the group algebra....

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