Subdirect sums of doubly diagonally dominant matrices.
Let be a simple connected graph of order with degree sequence . Denote , and , where is a real number. Denote by and the spectral radius of the adjacency matrix and the Laplacian matrix of , respectively. In this paper, we present some upper and lower bounds of and in terms of , and . Furthermore, we also characterize some extreme graphs which attain these upper bounds. These results theoretically improve and generalize some known results.
Although the intellectual merits of computational modelling across various length and time scales are generally well accepted, good illustrative examples are often lacking. One way to begin appreciating the benefits of the multiscale approach is to first gain experience in probing complex physical phenomena at one scale at a time. Here we discuss materials modelling at two characteristic scales separately, the atomistic level where interactions are specified through classical potentials and the...
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