On lattices with isomorphic interval lattices
The variety of lattices generated by lattices of all convex sublattices of distributive lattices is investigated.
Let denote the variety of lattices generated by convex sublattices of lattices in . For any proper variety , the variety is proper. There are uncountably many varieties with .
Algorithms for generating random posets, random lattices and random lattice terms are given.
A finite set of finite semilattices is said to be incomparably continuable if it can be extended to an infinite set of pairwise incomparable (with respect to embeddability) finite semilattices. After giving some simple examples we show that the set consisting of the four-element Boolean algebra and the four-element fork is incomparably continuable.
We prove that the lattice of varieties contains almost no compact elements.
Characterization of congruence lattices of finite chains with either one or two endomorphisms is given.
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