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On the decomposition of particle size distribution in the extraction replica method

Vratislav Horálek — 1981

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with the method for evaluating exposures of nickel alloy structures containing both extracted and sectioned particles. The presented stereological model makes it possible to estimate two unknown spatial parameters, the mean value of the particle size distribution and the depth of etching with the use of the information obtained from the combined structure of the exposures.

Stereology of grain boundary precipitates

Vratislav Horálek — 1989

Aplikace matematiky

Precipitates modelled by rotary symmetrical lens-shaped discs are situated on matrix grain boundaries and the homogeneous specimen is intersected by a plate section. The stereological model presented enables one to express all basic parameters of spatial structure and moments of the corresponding probability distributions of quantitative characteristics of precipitates in terms of planar structure parameters the values of which can be estimated from measurements carried out in the plane section....

Stereology of dihedral angles

Vratislav Horálek — 2000

Applications of Mathematics

The paper presents a short survey of stereological problems concerning dihedral angles, their solutions and applications, and introduces a graph for determining the distribution functions of planar angles under the hypothesis that dihedral angles in 3 are of the same size and create a random field.

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