Impulsive stabilization of cellular neural networks with time delay via Lyapunov functionals.
An complex matrix is called Re-nonnegative definite (Re-nnd) if the real part of is nonnegative for every complex -vector . In this paper criteria for a partitioned matrix to be Re-nnd are given. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of and an expression for the Re-nnd solutions of the matrix equation are presented.
Let S be a given set consisting of some Hermitian matrices with the same size. We say that a matrix A ∈ S is maximal if A − W is positive semidefinite for every matrix W ∈ S. In this paper, we consider the maximal and minimal inertias and ranks of the Hermitian matrix function f(X,Y) = P − QXQ* − TYT*, where * means the conjugate and transpose of a matrix, P = P*, Q, T are known matrices and for X and Y Hermitian solutions to the consistent matrix equations AX =B and YC = D respectively. As applications,...
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