Some operations related with translation
A closed convex set in a local convex topological Hausdorff spaces is called locally nonconical (LNC) if for every there exists an open neighbourhood of such that . A set is local cylindric (LC) if for , , there exists an open neighbourhood of such that (equivalently: ) is a union of open segments parallel to . In this paper we prove that these two notions are equivalent. The properties LNC and LC were investigated in [3], where the implication was proved in general, while...
The aim of this paper is to investigate the local nonconicality of unit ball in Orlicz spaces, endowed with the Luxemburg norm. A closed convex set in a locally convex topological Hausdorff space is called locally nonconical , if for every there exists an open neighbourhood of such that . The following theorem is established: An Orlicz space has an unit ball if and only if either is finite dimensional or the measure is atomic with a positive greatest lower bound and satisfies...
The aim of this paper is to investigate the stability of the positive part of the unit ball in Orlicz spaces, endowed with the Luxemburg norm. The convex set in a topological vector space is stable if the midpoint map , is open with respect to the inherited topology in . The main theorem is established: In the Orlicz space the stability of the positive part of the unit ball is equivalent to the stability of the unit ball.
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