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Groups Generated by (near) Mutually Engel Periodic Pairs

Piotr SłaninaWitold Tomaszewski — 2007

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We use notations: [ x , y ] = [ x , 1 y ] and [ x , k + 1 y ] e [ [ x , k y ] , y ] . We consider groups generated by x , y satisfying relations x = [ x , n y ] , y = [ y , n x ] or [ x , y ] = [ x , n y ] , [ y , x ] = [ y , n x ] . We call groups of the first type mep-groups and of the second type nmep-groups. We show many properties and examples of mep- and nmep-groups. We prove that if p is a prime then the group S l 2 ( p ) is a nmep-group. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for metacyclic group to be a nmep-group and we show that nmep-groups with presentation x , y [ x , y ] = [ x , 2 y ] , [ y , x ] = [ y , 2 x ] , x n , y m are finite.

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