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The Vertex-Rainbow Index of A Graph

Yaping Mao — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The k-rainbow index rxk(G) of a connected graph G was introduced by Chartrand, Okamoto and Zhang in 2010. As a natural counterpart of the k-rainbow index, we introduce the concept of k-vertex-rainbow index rvxk(G) in this paper. In this paper, sharp upper and lower bounds of rvxk(G) are given for a connected graph G of order n, that is, 0 ≤ rvxk(G) ≤ n − 2. We obtain Nordhaus-Gaddum results for 3-vertex-rainbow index of a graph G of order n, and show that rvx3(G) + rvx3(Ḡ) = 4 for n = 4 and 2 ≤...

Graphs with Large Generalized (Edge-)Connectivity

Xueliang LiYaping Mao — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The generalized k-connectivity κk(G) of a graph G, introduced by Hager in 1985, is a nice generalization of the classical connectivity. Recently, as a natural counterpart, we proposed the concept of generalized k-edge-connectivity λk(G). In this paper, graphs of order n such that [...] for even k are characterized.

Inverse Problem on the Steiner Wiener Index

Xueliang LiYaping MaoIvan Gutman — 2018

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Wiener index W(G) of a connected graph G, introduced by Wiener in 1947, is defined as W(G) =∑u,v∈V (G) dG(u, v), where dG(u, v) is the distance (the length a shortest path) between the vertices u and v in G. For S ⊆ V (G), the Steiner distance d(S) of the vertices of S, introduced by Chartrand et al. in 1989, is the minimum size of a connected subgraph of G whose vertex set contains S. The k-th Steiner Wiener index SWk(G) of G is defined as [...] SWk(G)=∑S⊆V(G)|S|=kd(S) S W k ( G ) = S V ( G ) | S | = k d ( S ) . We investigate the...

The Steiner Wiener Index of A Graph

Xueliang LiYaping MaoIvan Gutman — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Wiener index W(G) of a connected graph G, introduced by Wiener in 1947, is defined as W(G) = ∑u,v∈V(G) d(u, v) where dG(u, v) is the distance between vertices u and v of G. The Steiner distance in a graph, introduced by Chartrand et al. in 1989, is a natural generalization of the concept of classical graph distance. For a connected graph G of order at least 2 and S ⊆ V (G), the Steiner distance d(S) of the vertices of S is the minimum size of a connected subgraph whose vertex set is S. We now...

A lower bound for the 3-pendant tree-connectivity of lexicographic product graphs

Yaping MaoChristopher MelekianEddie Cheng — 2023

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a connected graph G = ( V , E ) and a set S V ( G ) with at least two vertices, an S -Steiner tree is a subgraph T = ( V ' , E ' ) of G that is a tree with S V ' . If the degree of each vertex of S in T is equal to 1, then T is called a pendant S -Steiner tree. Two S -Steiner trees are if they share no vertices other than S and have no edges in common. For S V ( G ) and | S | 2 , the pendant tree-connectivity τ G ( S ) is the maximum number of internally disjoint pendant S -Steiner trees in G , and for k 2 , the k -pendant tree-connectivity τ k ( G ) is the minimum value...

Generalized connectivity of some total graphs

Yinkui LiYaping MaoZhao WangZongtian Wei — 2021

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the generalized k -connectivity κ k ( G ) as introduced by Hager in 1985, as well as the more recently introduced generalized k -edge-connectivity λ k ( G ) . We determine the exact value of κ k ( G ) and λ k ( G ) for the line graphs and total graphs of trees, unicyclic graphs, and also for complete graphs for the case k = 3 .

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