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A free stochastic partial differential equation

Yoann Dabrowski — 2014

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We get stationary solutions of a free stochastic partial differential equation. As an application, we prove equality of non-microstate and microstate free entropy dimensions under a Lipschitz like condition on conjugate variables, assuming also the von Neumann algebra R ω embeddable. This includes an N -tuple of q -Gaussian random variables e.g. for | q | N 0 . 13 .

The simplex of tracial quantum symmetric states

Yoann DabrowskiKenneth J. DykemaKunal Mukherjee — 2014

Studia Mathematica

We show that the space of tracial quantum symmetric states of an arbitrary unital C*-algebra is a Choquet simplex and is a face of the tracial state space of the universal unital C*-algebra free product of A with itself infinitely many times. We also show that the extreme points of this simplex are dense, making it the Poulsen simplex when A is separable and nontrivial. In the course of the proof we characterize the centers of certain tracial amalgamated free product C*-algebras.

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