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Smooth implications on a finite chain

Yong Su — 2019


Mas et al. adapted the notion of smoothness, introduced by Godo and Sierra, and discussed two kinds of smooth implications (a discrete counterpart of continuous fuzzy implications) on a finite chain. This work is devoted to exploring the formal relations between smoothness and other six properties of implications on a finite chain. As a byproduct, several classes of smooth implications on a finite chain are characterized.

Representation and construction of homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous n -ary aggregation functions

Yong SuRadko Mesiar — 2021


Homogeneity, as one type of invariantness, means that an aggregation function is invariant with respect to multiplication by a constant, and quasi-homogeneity, as a relaxed version, reflects the original output as well as the constant. In this paper, we characterize all homogeneous/quasi-homogeneous n -ary aggregation functions and present several methods to generate new homogeneous/quasi-homogeneous n -ary aggregation functions by aggregation of given ones.

Semi-t-operators on a finite totally ordered set

Yong SuHua-Wen Liu — 2015


Recently, Drygaś generalized nullnorms and t-operators and introduced semi-t-operators by eliminating commutativity from the axiom of t-operators. This paper is devoted to the study of the discrete counterpart of semi-t-operators on a finite totally ordered set. A characterization of semi-t-operators on a finite totally ordered set is given. Moreover, The relations among nullnorms, t-operators, semi-t-operators and pseudo-t-operators (i. e., commutative semi-t-operators) on a finite totally ordered...

Left and right semi-uninorms on a complete lattice

Yong SuZhudeng WangKeming Tang — 2013


Uninorms are important generalizations of triangular norms and conorms, with a neutral element lying anywhere in the unit interval, and left (right) semi-uninorms are non-commutative and non-associative extensions of uninorms. In this paper, we firstly introduce the concepts of left and right semi-uninorms on a complete lattice and illustrate these notions by means of some examples. Then, we lay bare the formulas for calculating the upper and lower approximation left (right) semi-uninorms of a binary...

Strong convergence of an iterative method for variational inequality problems and fixed point problems

Xiao Long QinShin Min KangYong Fu SuMei Juan Shang — 2009

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper, we introduce a general iterative scheme to investigate the problem of finding a common element of the fixed point set of a strict pseudocontraction and the solution set of a variational inequality problem for a relaxed cocoercive mapping by viscosity approximate methods. Strong convergence theorems are established in a real Hilbert space.

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