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Lipschitz-quotients and the Kunen-Martin Theorem

Yves Dutrieux — 2001

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that there is a universal control on the Szlenk index of a Lipschitz-quotient of a Banach space with countable Szlenk index. It is in particular the case when two Banach spaces are Lipschitz-homeomorphic. This provides information on the Cantor index of scattered compact sets K and L such that C ( L ) is a Lipschitz-quotient of C ( K ) (that is the case in particular when these two spaces are Lipschitz-homeomorphic). The proof requires tools of descriptive set theory.

Perturbations of isometries between C(K)-spaces

Yves DutrieuxNigel J. Kalton — 2005

Studia Mathematica

We study the Gromov-Hausdorff and Kadets distances between C(K)-spaces and their quotients. We prove that if the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between C(K) and C(L) is less than 1/16 then K and L are homeomorphic. If the Kadets distance is less than one, and K and L are metrizable, then C(K) and C(L) are linearly isomorphic. For K and L countable, if C(L) has a subquotient which is close enough to C(K) in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense then K is homeomorphic to a clopen subset of L.

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