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We solve Matkowski's problem for strictly comparable quasi-arithmetic means.
The aim of this note is to characterize the real coefficients p₁,...,pₙ and q₁,...,qₖ so that
be valid whenever the vectors x₁,...,xₙ, y₁,...,yₖ satisfy
y₁,...,yₖ ⊆ convx₁,...,xₙ.
Using this characterization, a class of generalized weighted quasi-arithmetic means is introduced and several open problems are formulated.
Let I be an interval, 0 < λ < 1 be a fixed constant and A(x,y) = λx + (1-λ)y, x,y ∈ I, be the weighted arithmetic mean on I. A pair of strict means M and N is complementary with respect to A if A(M(x,y),N(x,y)) = A(x,y) for all x, y ∈ I. For such a pair we give results on the functional equation f(M(x,y)) = f(N(x,y)). The equation is motivated by and applied to the Matkowski-Sutô problem on complementary weighted quasi-arithmetic means M and N.
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