I prove that the statement that “every linear order of size can be embedded in ” is consistent with MA + ¬ wKH.
We establish local-in-time smoothing of a simple model nonlinear parabolic PDE in a scale of weighted Bergman spaces on a strip provided the weights are not too singular. This constitutes a very strong smoothing property since an immediate consequence is that the PDE can "push away" an algebraic-type complex singularity provided that the order of the singularity is small enough.
Viewing comodule algebras as the noncommutative analogues of affine varieties with affine group actions, we propose rudiments of a localization approach to nonaffine Hopf algebraic quotients of noncommutative affine varieties corresponding to comodule algebras. After reviewing basic background on noncommutative localizations, we introduce localizations compatible with coactions. Coinvariants of these localized coactions give local information about quotients. We define Zariski locally trivial quantum...
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