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Fluid–particle shear flows

Bertrand Maury — 2003

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Our purpose is to estimate numerically the influence of particles on the global viscosity of fluid–particle mixtures. Particles are supposed to rigid, and the surrounding fluid is newtonian. The motion of the mixture is computed directly, i.e. all the particle motions are computed explicitly. Apparent viscosity, based on the force exerted by the fluid on the sliding walls, is computed at each time step of the simulation. In order to perform long–time simulations and still control the solid fraction,...

Fluid–particle shear flows

Bertrand Maury — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Our purpose is to estimate numerically the influence of particles on the global viscosity of fluid–particle mixtures. Particles are supposed to rigid, and the surrounding fluid is newtonian. The motion of the mixture is computed directly, all the particle motions are computed explicitly. Apparent viscosity, based on the force exerted by the fluid on the sliding walls, is computed at each time step of the simulation. In order to perform long–time simulations and still control the solid fraction,...

A discrete contact model for crowd motion

Bertrand MauryJuliette Venel — 2011

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The aim of this paper is to develop a crowd motion model designed to handle highly packed situations. The model we propose rests on two principles: we first define a spontaneous velocity which corresponds to the velocity each individual would like to have in the absence of other people. The actual velocity is then computed as the projection of the spontaneous velocity onto the set of admissible velocities ( velocities which do not violate the non-overlapping constraint). We describe here the underlying...

Modeling of the oxygen transfer in the respiratory process

Sébastien MartinBertrand Maury — 2013

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this article, we propose an integrated model for oxygen transfer into the blood, coupled with a lumped mechanical model for the ventilation process. Objectives. We aim at investigating oxygen transfer into the blood at rest or exercise. The first task consists in describing nonlinear effects of the oxygen transfer under normal conditions. We also include the possible diffusion limitation in oxygen transfer observed in extreme regimes involving parameters such as alveolar and venous blood oxygen...

A discrete contact model for crowd motion

Bertrand MauryJuliette Venel — 2011

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The aim of this paper is to develop a crowd motion model designed to handle highly packed situations. The model we propose rests on two principles: we first define a spontaneous velocity which corresponds to the velocity each individual would like to have in the absence of other people. The actual velocity is then computed as the projection of the spontaneous velocity onto the set of admissible velocities ( velocities which do not violate the non-overlapping constraint). We describe here the...

A viscoelastic model with non-local damping application to the human lungs

Céline GrandmontBertrand MauryNicolas Meunier — 2006

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we elaborate a model to describe some aspects of the human lung considered as a continuous, deformable, medium. To that purpose, we study the asymptotic behavior of a spring-mass system with dissipation. The key feature of our approach is the nature of this dissipation phenomena, which is related here to the flow of a viscous fluid through a dyadic tree of pipes (the branches), each exit of which being connected to an air pocket (alvelola) delimited by two successive masses. The...

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