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The Penrose transform and Clifford analysis

Bureš, J.Souček, V. — 1991

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0742.00067.]The Penrose transform is always based on a diagram of homogeneous spaces. Here the case corresponding to the orthogonal group S O ( 2 n , C ) is studied by means of Clifford analysis [see and : Clifford analysis (1982; Zbl 0529.30001)], and is presented a simple approach using the Dolbeault realization of the corresponding cohomology groups and a simple calculus with differential forms (the Cauchy integral formula for solutions of the Laplace equation and the Leray...

The Penrose transform for Dirac equation

Bureš, J.Souček, V. — 1993

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The Penrose transform is discussed for the Dirac equation corresponding to an orthogonal group in even dimensions. The authors outline a simple approach to the calculation which involves using the Dolbeault realization of cohomology groups rather than hypercohomology and spectral sequence. The details will be given elsewhere.

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