A remark on two dimensional periodic potentials. E. Trubowitz; B.E.J. Dahlberg — 1982 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
A directional compactification of the complex Bloch variety. H. Knörrer; E. Trubowitz — 1990 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
The pertubatively stable spectrum of a periodic Schrödinger operator. H. Knörrer; J. Feldman; E. Trubowitz — 1990 Inventiones mathematicae
Perturbatively unstable eigenvalues of a periodic Schrödinger operator. H. Knörrer; E. Trubowitz; J. Feldmann — 1991 Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
Density of heat curves in the moduli space A. Bobenko; N. Ercolani; H. Knörrer; E. Trubowitz — 1995 Banach Center Publications