Correction to: “A note on nonaxiomatizability of independence relations generated by certain probabilistic structures” Ivan Kramosil — 1989 Kybernetika
A note on nonaxiomatizability of independence relations generated by certain probabilistic structures Ivan Kramosil — 1988 Kybernetika
A method for random sampling of well-formed formulas. (A method for random sampling of formulas of an elementary theory and statistical estimation of their deducibility equipped by a program. I.) Ivan Kramosil — 1972 Kybernetika
Computational complexity of a statistical theoremhood testing procedure for propositional calculus with pseudo-random inputs Ivan Kramosil — 1981 Kybernetika
Possible-worlds semantics for rule-based expert systems with set-valued weights Ivan Kramosil — 1989 Kybernetika
A method for random sampling of formulas of an elementary theory and statistical estimation of their deducibility equipped by a program. II. A method for statistical testing of an at random sampled formula Ivan Kramosil — 1973 Kybernetika