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The Fourier integral for a certain class of distributions

Josef Matušů — 1991

Applications of Mathematics

The aim of this paper is to derive by elementary means a theorem on the representation of certain distributions in the form of a Fourier integral. The approach chosen was found suitable especially for students of post-graduate courses at technical universities, where it is in some situations necessary to restrict a little the extent of the mathematical theory when concentrating on a technical problem.

Constructions of interpolation curves from given supporting elements. II

Josef MatušůJosef Novák — 1986

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with the constructions of interpolation curves which pass through given supporting points (nodes) and touch supporting tangent vectors given at only some of these points or, as the case may be, at all these points. The mathematical kernel of these constructions is based on the Lienhard's interpolation method. Formulae for the curvature of plane and space interpolation curves are derived.

Über eine elementare Fläche

Josef MatušůJosef Novák — 1979

Aplikace matematiky

In vorliegender Arbeit wird die Konstruktion eines Flächenpflasters behandelt. Die Hauptgeneratrizen dieses Pflasters sind Kurvensegmente, deren Konstruktion in der Arbeit [J. Matušů, J. Novák: Über ein Interpolationsproblem. Apl. mat. 2(1976)] entwickelt wurde.

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