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Nilpotent control systems.

Elisabeth RemmMichel Goze — 2002

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study the class of matrix controlled systems associated to graded filiform nilpotent Lie algebras. This generalizes the non- linear system corresponding to the control of the trails pulled by car.

Formes d'inertie et complexe de Koszul associés à des polynômes plurihomogènes.

Azzouz AwaneAbdelouahab ChkiribaMichel Goze — 2005

Revista Matemática Complutense

The existence of common zero of a family of polynomials has led to the study of inertial forms, whose homogeneous part of degree 0 constitutes the ideal resultant. The Kozsul and Cech cohomologies groups play a fundamental role in this study. An analogueous of Hurwitz theorem is given, and also, one finds a N. H. McCoy theorem in a particular case of this study.

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