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Rational equivalence on some families of plane curves

Josep M. MiretSebastián Xambó Descamps — 1994

Annales de l'institut Fourier

If V d , δ denotes the variety of irreducible plane curves of degree d with exactly δ nodes as singularities, Diaz and Harris (1986) have conjectured that Pic ( V d , δ ) is a torsion group. In this note we study rational equivalence on some families of singular plane curves and we prove, in particular, that Pic ( V d , 1 ) is a finite group, so that the conjecture holds for δ = 1 . Actually the order of Pic ( V d , 1 ) is 6 ( d - 2 ) d 2 - 3 d + 1 ) , the group being cyclic if d is odd and the product of 2 and a cyclic group of order 3 ( d - 2 ) ( d 2 - 3 d + 1 ) if d is even.

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