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Initially κ -compact spaces for large κ

Stavros Christodoulou — 1999

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This work presents some cardinal inequalities in which appears the closed pseudo-character, ψ c , of a space. Using one of them — ψ c ( X ) 2 d ( X ) for T 2 spaces — we improve, from T 3 to T 2 spaces, the well-known result that initially κ -compact T 3 spaces are λ -bounded for all cardinals λ such that 2 λ κ . And then, using an idea of A. Dow, we prove that initially κ -compact T 2 spaces are in fact compact for κ = 2 F ( X ) , 2 s ( X ) , 2 t ( X ) , 2 χ ( X ) , 2 ψ c ( X ) or κ = max { τ + , τ < τ } , where τ > t ( p , X ) for all p X .

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