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Stabilization methods in relaxed micromagnetism

Stefan A. FunkenAndreas Prohl — 2005

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample solves a non-convex variational problem, where its relaxation by convexifying the energy density resolves relevant macroscopic information. The numerical analysis of the relaxed model has to deal with a constrained convex but degenerated, nonlocal energy functional in mixed formulation for magnetic potential u and magnetization 𝐦 . In [C. Carstensen and A. Prohl, Numer. Math. 90 (2001) 65–99], the conforming P 1 - ( P 0 ) d -element in d = 2 , 3 spatial dimensions is shown to...

Stabilization methods in relaxed micromagnetism

Stefan A. FunkenAndreas Prohl — 2010

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample solves a non-convex variational problem, where its relaxation by convexifying the energy density resolves relevant macroscopic information. The numerical analysis of the relaxed model has to deal with a constrained convex but degenerated, nonlocal energy functional in mixed formulation for magnetic potential and magnetization . In [C. Carstensen and A. Prohl, (2001) 65–99], the conforming -element in spatial dimensions is shown to...

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