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Operator equations and subscalarity

Sungeun JungEungil Ko — 2014

Studia Mathematica

We consider the system of operator equations ABA = A² and BAB = B². Let (A,B) be a solution to this system. We give several connections among the operators A, B, AB, and BA. We first prove that A is subscalar of finite order if and only if B is, which is equivalent to the subscalarity of AB or BA with finite order. As a corollary, if A is subscalar and its spectrum has nonempty interior, then B has a nontrivial invariant subspace. We also provide examples of subscalar operator matrices. Moreover,...

On (A,m)-expansive operators

Sungeun JungYoenha KimEungil KoJi Eun Lee — 2012

Studia Mathematica

We give several conditions for (A,m)-expansive operators to have the single-valued extension property. We also provide some spectral properties of such operators. Moreover, we prove that the A-covariance of any (A,2)-expansive operator T ∈ ℒ(ℋ ) is positive, showing that there exists a reducing subspace ℳ on which T is (A,2)-isometric. In addition, we verify that Weyl's theorem holds for an operator T ∈ ℒ(ℋ ) provided that T is (T*T,2)-expansive. We next study (A,m)-isometric operators as a special...

On class A operators

Sungeun JungEungil KoMee-Jung Lee — 2010

Studia Mathematica

We show that every class A operator has a scalar extension. In particular, such operators with rich spectra have nontrivial invariant subspaces. Also we give some spectral properties of the scalar extension of a class A operator. Finally, we show that every class A operator is nonhypertransitive.

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