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Sequential monotonicity for restarting automata

Tomasz JurdzińskiFriedrich Otto — 2007

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

As already 2-monotone -automata accept -complete languages, we introduce a restricted variant of -monotonicity for restarting automata, called . For restarting automata without auxiliary symbols, this restricted variant still yields infinite hierarchies. However, for restarting automata with auxiliary symbols, all degrees of sequential monotonicity collapse to the first level, implying that -automata that are sequentially monotone of degree for any only accept context-free languages.

Efficient simulation of synchronous systems by multi-speed systems

Tomasz JurdzińskiMirosław KutyłowskiJan Zatopiański — 2005

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We consider systems consisting of finite automata communicating by exchanging messages and working on the same read-only data. We investigate the situation in which the automata work with constant but different speeds. We assume furthermore that the automata are not aware of the speeds and they cannot measure them directly. Nevertheless, the automata have to compute a correct output. We call this model multi-speed systems of finite automata. Complexity measure that we consider here is the number...

Efficient simulation of synchronous systems by multi-speed systems

Tomasz JurdzińskiMirosław KutyłowskiJan Zatopiański — 2010

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We consider systems consisting of finite automata communicating by exchanging messages and working on the same read-only data. We investigate the situation in which the automata work with constant but different speeds. We assume furthermore that the automata are not aware of the speeds and they cannot measure them directly. Nevertheless, the automata have to compute a correct output. We call this model multi-speed systems of finite automata. Complexity measure that we consider here is the...

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