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Expansion in S L d ( 𝒪 K / I ) , I square-free

Péter P. Varjú — 2012

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let S be a fixed symmetric finite subset of S L d ( 𝒪 K ) that generates a Zariski dense subgroup of S L d ( 𝒪 K ) when we consider it as an algebraic group over m a t h b b Q by restriction of scalars. We prove that the Cayley graphs of S L d ( 𝒪 K / I ) with respect to the projections of S is an expander family if I ranges over square-free ideals of 𝒪 K if d = 2 and K is an arbitrary numberfield, or if d = 3 and K = .

A contribution to infinite disjoint covering systems

János BarátPéter P. Varjú — 2005

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let the collection of arithmetic sequences { d i n + b i : n } i I be a disjoint covering system of the integers. We prove that if d i = p k q l for some primes p , q and integers k , l 0 , then there is a j i such that d i | d j . We conjecture that the divisibility result holds for all moduli. A disjoint covering system is called saturated if the sum of the reciprocals of the moduli is equal to 1 . The above conjecture holds for saturated systems with d i such that the product of its prime factors is at most 1254 .

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