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Weak convergence of mutually independent X B and X A under weak convergence of X X B - X A

W. Szczotka — 2006

Applicationes Mathematicae

For each n ≥ 1, let v n , k , k 1 and u n , k , k 1 be mutually independent sequences of nonnegative random variables and let each of them consist of mutually independent and identically distributed random variables with means v̅ₙ and u̅̅ₙ, respectively. Let X B ( t ) = ( 1 / c ) j = 1 [ n t ] ( v n , j - v ̅ ) , X A ( t ) = ( 1 / c ) j = 1 [ n t ] ( u n , j - u ̅ ̅ ) , t ≥ 0, and X = X B - X A . The main result gives conditions under which the weak convergence X X , where X is a Lévy process, implies X B X B and X A X A , where X B and X A are mutually independent Lévy processes and X = X B - X A .

On fully coupled continuous time random walks

W. SzczotkaP. Żebrowski — 2012

Applicationes Mathematicae

Continuous time random walks with jump sizes equal to the corresponding waiting times for jumps are considered. Sufficient conditions for the weak convergence of such processes are established and the limiting processes are identified. Furthermore one-dimensional distributions of the limiting processes are given under an additional assumption.

Functional central limit theorems for seeds in a linear birth and growth model

A. DziwiszW. Szczotka — 2016

Applicationes Mathematicae

A problem of heredity of mixing properties (α-mixing, β-mixing and ρ-mixing) from a stationary point process on ℝ × ℝ₊ to a sequence of some of its points called 'seeds' is considered. Next, using the mixing properties, several versions of functional central limit theorems for the distances between seeds and the process of the number of seeds are obtained.

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