The lattice-isometric copies of in quotients of Banach lattices.
Wójtowicz, Marek (2003)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Wójtowicz, Marek (2003)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
S. Bernau, H. Lacey (1976)
Studia Mathematica
A. El Kaddouri, Mohammed Moussa (2013)
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica
We give a brief survey of recent results of order limited operators related to some properties on Banach lattices.
Wolfgang Adamski (1986)
Studia Mathematica
Marek Wójtowicz (2001)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
It is known that a Banach lattice with order continuous norm contains a copy of if and only if it contains a lattice copy of . The purpose of this note is to present a more direct proof of this useful fact, which extends a similar theorem due to R.C. James for Banach spaces with unconditional bases, and complements the - and -cases considered by Lozanovskii, Mekler and Meyer-Nieberg.
Belmesnaoui Aqzzouz, Redouane Nouira (2009)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which the linear span of positive AM-compact operators (in the sense of Fremlin) from a Banach lattice into a Banach lattice is an order -complete vector lattice.