On the rules for the elimination of the non-canonical Morgan trees
Damir Vukičević (2009)
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics
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Damir Vukičević (2009)
Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics
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Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
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Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
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International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
The Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is the most popular method of evaluating the dissimilarity between phylogenetic trees. In this paper, we define and explore in detail properties of the Matching Cluster (MC) distance, which can be regarded as a refinement of the RF metric for rooted trees. Similarly to RF, MC operates on clusters of compared trees, but the distance evaluation is more complex. Using the graph theoretic approach based on a minimum-weight perfect matching in bipartite graphs,...
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Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire [electronic only]
A. Kośliński (1987)
Applicationes Mathematicae
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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Z. A. Łomnicki (1973)
Applicationes Mathematicae
F.A. Muntaner-Batle, Miquel Rius-Font (2008)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
We study the structure of path-like trees. In order to do this, we introduce a set of trees that we call expandable trees. In this paper we also generalize the concept of path-like trees and we call such generalization generalized path-like trees. As in the case of path-like trees, generalized path-like trees, have very nice labeling properties.
Masayoshi Matsushita, Yota Otachi, Toru Araki (2015)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
Two spanning trees T1 and T2 of a graph G are completely independent if, for any two vertices u and v, the paths from u to v in T1 and T2 are internally disjoint. For a graph G, we denote the maximum number of pairwise completely independent spanning trees by cist(G). In this paper, we consider cist(G) when G is a partial k-tree. First we show that [k/2] ≤ cist(G) ≤ k − 1 for any k-tree G. Then we show that for any p ∈ {[k/2], . . . , k − 1}, there exist infinitely many k-trees G such...