Displaying similar documents to “A note on pseudocongruent matrices”

Factorizations for q-Pascal matrices of two variables

Thomas Ernst (2015)

Special Matrices


In this second article on q-Pascal matrices, we show how the previous factorizations by the summation matrices and the so-called q-unit matrices extend in a natural way to produce q-analogues of Pascal matrices of two variables by Z. Zhang and M. Liu as follows [...] We also find two different matrix products for [...]

Nonsingularity and P -matrices.

Jiří Rohn (1990)

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New proofs of two previously published theorems relating nonsingularity of interval matrices to P -matrices are given.

An inverse matrix of an upper triangular matrix can be lower triangular

Waldemar Hołubowski (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


In this note we explain why the group of n×n upper triangular matrices is defined usually over commutative ring while the full general linear group is defined over any associative ring.

Determinant and Inverse of Matrices of Real Elements

Nobuyuki Tamura, Yatsuka Nakamura (2007)

Formalized Mathematics


In this paper the classic theory of matrices of real elements (see e.g. [12], [13]) is developed. We prove selected equations that have been proved previously for matrices of field elements. Similarly, we introduce in this special context the determinant of a matrix, the identity and zero matrices, and the inverse matrix. The new concept discussed in the case of matrices of real numbers is the property of matrices as operators acting on finite sequences of real numbers from both sides....

A Theory of Matrices of Real Elements

Yatsuka Nakamura, Nobuyuki Tamura, Wenpai Chang (2006)

Formalized Mathematics


Here, the concept of matrix of real elements is introduced. This is defined as a special case of the general concept of matrix of a field. For such a real matrix, the notions of addition, subtraction, scalar product are defined. For any real finite sequences, two transformations to matrices are introduced. One of the matrices is of width 1, and the other is of length 1. By such transformations, two products of a matrix and a finite sequence are defined. Also the linearity of such product...