Displaying similar documents to “Fučík spectra for vector equations.”

Two notions which affected nonlinear analysis (Bernard Bolzano lecture)

Pavel Drábek (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica


General mathematical theories usually originate from the investigation of particular problems and notions which could not be handled by available tools and methods. The Fučík spectrum and the p -Laplacian are typical examples in the field of nonlinear analysis. The systematic study of these notions during the last four decades led to several interesting and surprising results and revealed deep relationship between the linear and the nonlinear structures. This paper does not provide a...

An envelope for the spectrum of a matrix

Panayiotis Psarrakos, Michael Tsatsomeros (2012)

Open Mathematics


We introduce and study an envelope-type region ɛ(A) in the complex plane that contains the eigenvalues of a given n×n complex matrix A. ɛ(A) is the intersection of an infinite number of regions defined by cubic curves. The notion and method of construction of ɛ(A) extend the notion of the numerical range of A, F(A), which is known to be an intersection of an infinite number of half-planes; as a consequence, ɛ(A) is contained in F(A) and represents an improvement in localizing the spectrum...

Boundary eigencurve problems involving the biharmonic operator

Omar Chakrone, Najib Tsouli, Mostafa Rahmani, Omar Darhouche (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae


The aim of this paper is to study the spectrum of the fourth order eigenvalue boundary value problem ⎧Δ²u = αu + βΔu in Ω, ⎨ ⎩u = Δu = 0 on ∂Ω. where (α,β) ∈ ℝ². We prove the existence of a first nontrivial curve of this spectrum and we give its variational characterization. Moreover we prove some properties of this curve, e.g., continuity, convexity, and asymptotic behavior. As an application, we study the non-resonance of solutions...