Displaying similar documents to “Nullification functors and the homotopy type of the classifying space for proper bundles.”

Modulo C homotopy

J. R. Dennett (1982)

Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques


A proof of the Baues-Lemaire conjecture in rational homotopy theory

Majewski, Martin


This paper contains an announcement of a result, which settles the connection between various algebraic models for rational homotopy theory: the models of Quillen, Sullivan and Adams-Hilton-Anick. It is shown how this result, combined with a recent result of Anick, implies a conjecture of and [Math. Ann. 225, 219-245 (1977; Zbl 0322.55019)].We describe in some detail the construction of these models (Section 1). We present a variant of the Adams-Hilton model, which is defined in a...

Cochains and homotopy type

Michael A. Mandell (2006)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS


Finite type nilpotent spaces are weakly equivalent if and only if their singular cochains are quasi-isomorphic as E algebras. The cochain functor from the homotopy category of finite type nilpotent spaces to the homotopy category of E algebras is faithful but not full.