Displaying similar documents to “On the asymptotics of certain Wiener--Hopf-plus-Hankel determinants.”

On truncations of Hankel and Toeplitz operators.

Aline Bonami, Joaquim Bruna (1999)

Publicacions Matemàtiques


We study the boundedness properties of truncation operators acting on bounded Hankel (or Toeplitz) infinite matrices. A relation with the Lacey-Thiele theorem on the bilinear Hilbert transform is established. We also study the behaviour of the truncation operators when restricted to Hankel matrices in the Schatten classes.

Toeplitz operators and Wiener-Hopf factorisation: an introduction

M. Cristina Câmara (2017)

Concrete Operators


Wiener-Hopf factorisation plays an important role in the theory of Toeplitz operators. We consider here Toeplitz operators in the Hardy spaces Hp of the upper half-plane and we review how their Fredholm properties can be studied in terms of a Wiener-Hopf factorisation of their symbols, obtaining necessary and sufficient conditions for the operator to be Fredholm or invertible, as well as formulae for their inverses or one-sided inverses when these exist. The results are applied to a...

On Pták’s generalization of Hankel operators

Carmen H. Mancera, Pedro José Paúl (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In 1997 Pták defined generalized Hankel operators as follows: Given two contractions T 1 ( 1 ) and T 2 ( 2 ) , an operator X 1 2 is said to be a generalized Hankel operator if T 2 X = X T 1 * and X satisfies a boundedness condition that depends on the unitary parts of the minimal isometric dilations of T 1 and T 2 . This approach, call it (P), contrasts with a previous one developed by Pták and Vrbová in 1988, call it (PV), based on the existence of a previously defined generalized Toeplitz operator. There seemed to be a strong...