Displaying similar documents to “On the bilateral truncated exponential distribution.”

Characterizations of the exponential distribution based on certain properties of its characteristic function

Simos G. Meintanis, George Iliopoulos (2003)



Two characterizations of the exponential distribution among distributions with support the nonnegative real axis are presented. The characterizations are based on certain properties of the characteristic function of the exponential random variable. Counterexamples concerning more general possible versions of the characterizations are given.

Some properties and applications of probability distributions based on MacDonald function

Oldřich Kropáč (1982)

Aplikace matematiky


In the paper the basic analytical properties of the MacDonald function (the modified Bessel function of the second kind) are summarized and the properties of some subclasses of distribution functions based on MacDonald function, especially of the types x n K n ( x ) , x 0 , x n K n ( x x ) , x 𝐑 and x n + 1 K n ( x ) , x 0 are discussed. The distribution functions mentioned are useful for analytical modelling of composed (mixed) distributions, especially for products of random variables having distributions of the exponential type. Extensive and...