Displaying similar documents to “More morphisms between bundle gerbes.”

On the functorial prolongations of principal bundles

Ivan Kolář, Antonella Cabras (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We describe the fundamental properties of the infinitesimal actions related with functorial prolongations of principal and associated bundles with respect to fiber product preserving bundle functors. Our approach is essentially based on the Weil algebra technique and an original concept of weak principal bundle.

Coactions and fell bundles.

Kaliszewski, S., Muhly, Paul S., Quigg, John, Williams, Dana P. (2010)

The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]


On 2-distributions in 8-dimensional vector bundles over 8-complexes

Martin Čadek, Jiří Vanžura (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae


It is shown that the 2 -index of a 2-distribution in an 8-dimensional spin vector bundle over an 8-complex is independent of the 2-distribution. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of 2-distributions in such vector bundles are given in terms of characteristic classes and a certain secondary cohomology operation. In some cases this operation is computed.

Prolongation of linear semibasic tangent valued forms to product preserving gauge bundles of vector bundles.

Wlodzimierz M. Mikulski (2006)

Extracta Mathematicae


Let A be a Weil algebra and V be an A-module with dim V < ∞. Let E → M be a vector bundle and let TE → TM be the vector bundle corresponding to (A,V). We construct canonically a linear semibasic tangent valued p-form Tφ : T E → ΛT*TM ⊗ TTE on TE → TM from a linear semibasic tangent valued p-form φ : E → ΛT*M ⊗­ TE on E → M. For the Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket we prove that [[Tφ, Tψ]] = T ([[φ,ψ]]) for any linear semibasic tangent valued p- and q-forms φ and ψ on E → M. We apply...

Natural transformations between T²₁T*M and T*T²₁M

Miroslav Doupovec (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We determine all natural transformations T²₁T*→ T*T²₁ where T k r M = J 0 r ( k , M ) . We also give a geometric characterization of the canonical isomorphism ψ₂ defined by Cantrijn et al.