Displaying similar documents to “The Laplacian permanental polynomial for trees”

Weak Saturation Numbers for Sparse Graphs

Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


For a fixed graph F, a graph G is F-saturated if there is no copy of F in G, but for any edge e ∉ G, there is a copy of F in G + e. The minimum number of edges in an F-saturated graph of order n will be denoted by sat(n, F). A graph G is weakly F-saturated if there is an ordering of the missing edges of G so that if they are added one at a time, each edge added creates a new copy of F. The minimum size of a weakly F-saturated graph G of order n will be denoted by wsat(n, F). The graphs...