On the Weak Convergence of Stochastic Processes.
Monroe D. Donsker (1961)
Mathematica Scandinavica
Monroe D. Donsker (1961)
Mathematica Scandinavica
Martin Ondreját, Jan Seidler (2018)
We revisit the proof of existence of weak solutions of stochastic differential equations with continuous coeficients. In standard proofs, the coefficients are approximated by more regular ones and it is necessary to prove that: i) the laws of solutions of approximating equations form a tight set of measures on the paths space, ii) its cluster points are laws of solutions of the limit equation. We aim at showing that both steps may be done in a particularly simple and elementary manner. ...
D. Pachky (1990)
Manuscripta mathematica
J. M. Angulo Ibáñez, R. Gutiérrez Jáimez (1988)
Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont-Ferrand 2. Série Probabilités et applications
Mariusz Michta (2009)
Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization
In this paper, we consider weak solutions to stochastic inclusions driven by a semimartingale and a martingale problem formulated for such inclusions. Using this we analyze compactness of the set of solutions. The paper extends some earlier results known for stochastic differential inclusions driven by a diffusion process.
Michał Kisielewicz (2006)
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics
Some sufficient conditins for tightness of continuous stochastic processes is given. It is verified that in the classical tightness sufficient conditions for continuous stochastic processes it is possible to take a continuous nondecreasing stochastic process instead of a deterministic function one.
Klaus Bichteler (1973)
Manuscripta mathematica
S. Pilipović (1979)
Matematički Vesnik
Bernd Stockenberg (1977)
Manuscripta mathematica
R. Michel (1979)
Manuscripta mathematica
Djamel Hamadouche, Charles Suquet (1999)
Applicationes Mathematicae
We consider stochastic processes as random elements in some spaces of Hölder functions vanishing at infinity. The corresponding scale of spaces is shown to be isomorphic to some scale of Banach sequence spaces. This enables us to obtain some tightness criterion in these spaces. As an application, we prove the weak Hölder convergence of the convolution-smoothed empirical process of an i.i.d. sample under a natural assumption about the regularity of the marginal distribution function...