Displaying similar documents to “Critical Simply Connected Algebras.”

On minimal non-tilted algebras

Flávio U. Coelho, José A. de la Peña, Sonia Trepode (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


A minimal non-tilted triangular algebra such that any proper semiconvex subcategory is tilted is called a tilt-semicritical algebra. We study the tilt-semicritical algebras which are quasitilted or one-point extensions of tilted algebras of tame hereditary type. We establish inductive procedures to decide whether or not a given strongly simply connected algebra is tilted.

Strongly simply connected coil algebras

Flávio U. Coelho, Ma. I. R. Martins, Bertha Tomé (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We study the simple connectedness and strong simple connectedness of the following classes of algebras: (tame) coil enlargements of tame concealed algebras and n-iterated coil enlargement algebras.