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We propose a novel 3-way alternating regression (3-AR) method as an effective strategy for the estimation of parameter values in S-distributions from frequency data. The 3-AR algorithm is very fast and performs well for error-free distributions and artificial noisy data obtained as random samples generated from S-distributions, as well as for traditional statistical distributions and for actual observation data. In rare cases where the algorithm does not immediately converge, its enormous...

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The stochastic approximation version of EM (SAEM) proposed by Delyon et al. (1999) is a powerful alternative to EM when the E-step is intractable. Convergence of SAEM toward a maximum of the observed likelihood is established when the unobserved data are simulated at each iteration under the conditional distribution. We show that this very restrictive assumption can be weakened. Indeed, the results of Benveniste et al. for stochastic approximation with markovian perturbations are used...

Em Algorithm for MLE of a Probit Model for Multiple Ordinal Outcomes

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Serdica Journal of Computing


The correlated probit model is frequently used for multiple ordered data since it allows to incorporate seamlessly different correlation structures. The estimation of the probit model parameters based on direct maximization of the limited information maximum likelihood is a numerically intensive procedure. We propose an extension of the EM algorithm for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates for a correlated probit model for multiple ordinal outcomes. The algorithm is implemented in...