Displaying similar documents to “Classification of algebraic surfaces with sectional genus less than or equal to six. III: Ruled surfaces with dim...(X)=2.”

Around real Enriques surfaces.

Alexander Degtyarev, Vlatcheslav Kharlamov (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


We present a brief overview of the classification of real Enriques surfaces completed recently and make an attempt to systemize the known classification results for other special types of surfaces. Emphasis is also given to the particular tools used and to the general phenomena discovered; in particular, we prove two new congruence type prohibitions on the Euler characteristic of the real part of a real algebraic surface.

Two remarks about surfaces

Wilczyński, Władysław, Rzepecka, Genowefa (2015-11-26T16:01:41Z)

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Mathematica


Mazes on surfaces

Izidor Hafner, Tomislav Zitko (2003)

Visual Mathematics


Space-like Weingarten surfaces in the three-dimensional Minkowski space and their natural partial differential equations

Georgi Ganchev, Vesselka Mihova (2013)

Open Mathematics


On any space-like Weingarten surface in the three-dimensional Minkowski space we introduce locally natural principal parameters and prove that such a surface is determined uniquely up to motion by a special invariant function, which satisfies a natural non-linear partial differential equation. This result can be interpreted as a solution to the Lund-Regge reduction problem for space-like Weingarten surfaces in Minkowski space. We apply this theory to linear fractional space-like Weingarten...