Some results on the frame bundle of an almost contact metric manifold
Ana Dorotea Tarrío Tobar (1987)
Extracta Mathematicae
Ana Dorotea Tarrío Tobar (1987)
Extracta Mathematicae
Bonome, A., Castro, R., Tarrio, A. (1988)
Portugaliae mathematica
Simona-Luiza Druţă-Romaniuc (2012)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We obtain the natural diagonal almost product and locally product structures on the total space of the cotangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold. Studying the compatibility and the anti-compatibility relations between the determined structures and a natural diagonal metric, we find the Riemannian almost product (locally product) and the (almost) para-Hermitian cotangent bundles of natural diagonal lift type. Finally, we prove the characterization theorem for the natural diagonal (almost)...
Deszsz, Ryszard (2003)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
R. Castro, A. Tarrio (1990)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Luis A. Cordero, Manuel de León, Isabel Méndez, Modesto R. Salgado (1992)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Blair, David (2002)
Serdica Mathematical Journal
∗Research supported in part by NSF grant INT-9903302. In previous work a hyperbolic twistor space over a paraquaternionic Kähler manifold was defined, the fibre being the hyperboloid model of the hyperbolic plane with constant curvature −1. Two almost complex structures were defined on this twistor space and their properties studied. In the present paper we consider a twistor space over a paraquaternionic Kähler manifold with fibre given by the hyperboloid of 1-sheet,...
B. B. Sinha, S.L. Yadava (1980)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique