Displaying similar documents to “Measures on Product Spaces and the Existence of Strong Baire Liftings.”

Baire spaces

R. C. Haworth, R. A McCoy


CONTENTSIntroduction............................................................................................................ 5I. Basic properties of Baire spaces................................................................... 61. Nowhere dense sets............................................................................................... 62. First and second category sets............................................................................. 83. Baire spaces................................................................................................................

Measure-Theoretic Characterizations of Certain Topological Properties

David Buhagiar, Emmanuel Chetcuti, Anatolij Dvurečenskij (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


It is shown that Čech completeness, ultracompleteness and local compactness can be defined by demanding that certain equivalences hold between certain classes of Baire measures or by demanding that certain classes of Baire measures have non-empty support. This shows that these three topological properties are measurable, similarly to the classical examples of compact spaces, pseudo-compact spaces and realcompact spaces.

Baire-like spaces C(X,E)

Jerzy Kakol (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense


We characterize Baire-like spaces C(X,E) of continuous functions defined on a locally compact and Hewitt space X into a locally convex space E endowed with the compact-open topology.