Displaying similar documents to “Дистритбутивные решетки с относительными дополнениями.”

Meet-distributive lattices have the intersection property

Henri Mühle (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica


This paper is an erratum of H. Mühle: Distributive lattices have the intersection property, Math. Bohem. (2021). Meet-distributive lattices form an intriguing class of lattices, because they are precisely the lattices obtainable from a closure operator with the so-called anti-exchange property. Moreover, meet-distributive lattices are join semidistributive. Therefore, they admit two natural secondary structures: the core label order is an alternative order on the lattice elements and...

Stone Lattices

Adam Grabowski (2015)

Formalized Mathematics


The article continues the formalization of the lattice theory (as structures with two binary operations, not in terms of ordering relations). In the paper, the notion of a pseudocomplement in a lattice is formally introduced in Mizar, and based on this we define the notion of the skeleton and the set of dense elements in a pseudocomplemented lattice, giving the meet-decomposition of arbitrary element of a lattice as the infimum of two elements: one belonging to the skeleton, and the...

Some properties of Eulerian lattices

R. Subbarayan, A. Vethamanickam (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper, we prove that Eulerian lattices satisfying some weaker conditions for lattices or some weaker conditions for 0-distributive lattices become Boolean.