Book Reviews
Anatolij Dvurečenskij (2005)
Mathematica Slovaca
Anatolij Dvurečenskij (2005)
Mathematica Slovaca
Mukherjee, M.K. (1979)
Portugaliae mathematica
Anatolij Dvurečenskij (2004)
Mathematica Slovaca
Roman Bek (1978)
Marek Sawerwain, Roman Gielerak (2008)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
A general definition of a quantum predicate and quantum labelled transition systems for finite quantum computation systems is presented. The notion of a quantum predicate as a positive operator-valued measure is developed. The main results of this paper are a theorem about the existence of generalised predicates for quantum programs defined as completely positive maps and a theorem about the existence of a GSOS format for quantum labelled transition systems. The first theorem is a slight...
Piotr Mikołaj Sołtan (2010)
Banach Center Publications
We give a survey of techniques from quantum group theory which can be used to show that some quantum spaces (objects of the category dual to the category of C*-algebras) do not admit any quantum group structure. We also provide a number of examples which include some very well known quantum spaces. Our tools include several purely quantum group theoretical results as well as study of existence of characters and traces on C*-algebras describing the considered quantum spaces as well as...