Displaying similar documents to “Mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of a Reynolds-Koiter model for the elastohydrodynamic journal-bearing device”

Mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of a Reynolds-Koiter model for the elastohydrodynamic journal-bearing device

Iñigo Arregui, J. Jesús Cendán, Carlos Vázquez (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The aim of this work is to deduce the existence of solution of a coupled problem arising in elastohydrodynamic lubrication. The lubricant pressure and concentration are modelled by Reynolds equation, jointly with the free-boundary Elrod-Adams model in order to take into account cavitation phenomena. The bearing deformation is solution of Koiter model for thin shells. The existence of solution to the variational problem presents some difficulties: the coupled character of the equations,...

Exterior problem of the Darwin model and its numerical computation

Lung-an Ying, Fengyan Li (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


In this paper, we study the exterior boundary value problems of the Darwin model to the Maxwell's equations. The variational formulation is established and the existence and uniqueness is proved. We use the infinite element method to solve the problem, only a small amount of computational work is needed. Numerical examples are given as well as a proof of convergence.

Numerical analysis of a lumped parameter friction model

Janovský, Vladimír


We consider a contact problem of planar elastic bodies. We adopt Coulomb friction as (an implicitly defined) constitutive law. We will investigate highly simplified lumped parameter models where the contact boundary consists of just one point. In particular, we consider the relevant static and dynamic problems. We are interested in numerical solution of both problems. Even though the static and dynamic problems are qualitatively different, they can be solved by similar piecewise-smooth...

Analytical results on a model for damaging in domains and interfaces

Elena Bonetti, Michel Frémond (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


This paper deals with a model describing damage processes in a (nonlinear) elastic body which is in contact with adhesion with a rigid support. On the basis of phase transitions theory, we detail the derivation of the model written in terms of a PDE system, combined with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Some internal constraints on the variables are introduced in the equations and on the boundary, to get physical consistency. We prove the existence of global in time solutions...

A mathematical model of inflammation during ischemic stroke

Cristiana Di Russo, Jean-Baptiste Lagaert, Guillemette Chapuisat, Marie-Aimée Dronne (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings


In this article we propose a model to describe the inflammatory process which occurs during ischemic stroke. First, an introduction to some basic concepts about the biological phenomenon is given. Then, a detailed derivation of the model and the numerical scheme used are presented. Finally, the studies of the model robustness and sensitivity are showed and some numerical results on the time and space evolution of the process are presented...

Phase field model for mode III crack growth in two dimensional elasticity

Takeshi Takaishi, Masato Kimura (2009)



A phase field model for anti-plane shear crack growth in two dimensional isotropic elastic material is proposed. We introduce a phase field to represent the shape of the crack with a regularization parameter ϵ > 0 and we approximate the Francfort–Marigo type energy using the idea of Ambrosio and Tortorelli. The phase field model is derived as a gradient flow of this regularized energy. We show several numerical examples of the crack growth computed with an adaptive mesh finite element method. ...

Visco-elastic-plastic modelling

Koppová, Jana, Minárová, Mária, Sumec, Jozef


In this paper we deal with the mathematical modelling of rheological models with applications in various engineering disciplines and industry. We study the mechanical response of visco-elasto-plastic materials. We describe the basic rheological elements and focus our attention to the specific model of concrete, for which we derive governing equations and discuss its solution. We provide an application of rheological model involving rigid-plastic element as well - mechanical and mathematical...