On the stochastic regularity of sequence transformations operating in a Banach space
Hélène Lavastre (1995)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Hélène Lavastre (1995)
Applicationes Mathematicae
Shervashidze, T. (2003)
Georgian Mathematical Journal
Tang, Qihe (2006)
Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]
Kvaratskhelia, V. (2000)
Georgian Mathematical Journal
Enayet U, Tarafdar, P. Watson, George Xian-Zhi Yuan (1996)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
The aim of this paper is to establish a random coincidence degree theory. This degree theory possesses all the usual properties of the deterministic degree theory such as existence of solutions, excision and Borsuk’s odd mapping theorem. Our degree theory provides a method for proving the existence of random solutions of the equation where is a linear Fredholm mapping of index zero and is a noncompact Carathéodory mapping. Applications to random differential inclusions are also...
Peter Jaeger (2012)
Formalized Mathematics
This article gives an elementary introduction to stochastic finance (in discrete time). A formalization of random variables is given and some elements of Borel sets are considered. Furthermore, special functions (for buying a present portfolio and the value of a portfolio in the future) and some statements about the relation between these functions are introduced. For details see: [8] (p. 185), [7] (pp. 12, 20), [6] (pp. 3-6).
Račkauskas, Alfredas, Suquet, Charles (2001)
Georgian Mathematical Journal
Sturm, Anja (2003)
Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]