Finite element analysis of the Signorini problem
Jaroslav Haslinger (1979)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Jaroslav Haslinger (1979)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Petr Harasim (2008)
Applications of Mathematics
We propose a theoretical framework for solving a class of worst scenario problems. The existence of the worst scenario is proved through the convergence of a sequence of approximate worst scenarios. The main convergence theorem modifies and corrects the relevant results already published in literature. The theoretical framework is applied to a particular problem with an uncertain boundary value problem for a nonlinear ordinary differential equation with an uncertain coefficient. ...
Jaroslav Haslinger (1981)
Aplikace matematiky
The approximation of a mixed formulation of elliptic variational inequalities is studied. Mixed formulation is defined as the problem of finding a saddle-point of a properly chosen Lagrangian on a certain convex set . Sufficient conditions, guaranteeing the convergence of approximate solutions are studied. Abstract results are applied to concrete examples.
Akira Mizutani, Norikazu Saito, Takashi Suzuki (2005)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
Finite element approximation for degenerate parabolic equations is considered. We propose a semidiscrete scheme provided with order-preserving and contraction properties, making use of piecewise linear trial functions and the lumping mass technique. Those properties allow us to apply nonlinear semigroup theory, and the wellposedness and stability in and , respectively, of the scheme are established. Under certain hypotheses on the data, we also derive convergence without any convergence...