Displaying similar documents to “Les Symétries dans les Réseaux de Petri Stochastiques (RdPS) Construction du Graphe Symbolique”

Coloration de graphes : fondements et applications

Dominique de Werra, Daniel Kobler (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research


The classical colouring models are well known thanks in large part to their applications to scheduling type problems; we describe the basic concepts of colourings together with a number of variations and generalisations arising from scheduling problems such as the creation of school schedules. Some exact and heuristic algorithms will be presented, and we will sketch solution methods based on tabu search to find approximate solutions to large problems. Finally we will also mention...

G-Réseaux dans un environnement aléatoire

Jean-Michel Fourneau, Dominique Verchère (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research


We study networks with positive and negative customers (or Generalized networks of queues and signals) in a random environment. This environment may change the arrival rates, the routing probabilities, the service rates and also the effect of signals. We prove that the steady-state distribution has a product form. This property is obtained as a corollary of a much more general result on multidimensional Markov chains.

Transfert de Charge dans un Réseau de Processeurs Totalement Connectés

Maryse Béguin (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research


In this paper, a model of the load transfer on a fully connected net is presented. Each processor can accept at most tasks. A load difference of two tasks between two processors is a prohibited situation and when it may appear, an immediat and instantaneous transfer is decided. The performances of the system are evaluated by the following indices: the reject probability, the throughput, the mean response time, the stationary probability distribution for a processor to host tasks. The...

About being

Bertram Kienzle (2003)

Philosophia Scientiae


Dans cet article c’est la question pérenne de l’être qui est discutée. On esquisse une nouvelle espèce d’ontologie, appelée «ontologie des événements», selon laquelle les objets naturels peuvent être construits comme des événements avec une dimension spatiale. Ce cadre ontologique est utilisé pour introduire quelques-unes des modalités réelles et pour en donner les conditions de vérité. Les modalités discutées sont les attributions modales comme, par exemple, «Néandre peut nager» et...