Displaying similar documents to “The Fourier expansion of Epstein's zeta function over an algebraic number field and its consequences for algebraic number theory”

Well-poised hypergeometric service for diophantine problems of zeta values

Wadim Zudilin (2003)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


It is explained how the classical concept of well-poised hypergeometric series and integrals becomes crucial in studying arithmetic properties of the values of Riemann’s zeta function. By these well-poised means we obtain: (1) a permutation group for linear forms in 1 and ζ ( 4 ) = π 4 / 90 yielding a conditional upper bound for the irrationality measure of ζ ( 4 ) ; (2) a second-order Apéry-like recursion for ζ ( 4 ) and some low-order recursions for linear forms in odd zeta values; (3) a rich permutation group...

On mean values of some zeta-functions in the critical strip

Aleksandar Ivić (2003)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


For a fixed integer k 3 , and fixed 1 2 < σ < 1 we consider 1 T ζ ( σ + i t ) 2 k d t = n = 1 d k 2 ( n ) n - 2 σ T + R ( k , σ ; T ) , where R ( k , σ ; T ) = 0 ( T ) ( T ) is the error term in the above asymptotic formula. Hitherto the sharpest bounds for R ( k , σ ; T ) are derived in the range min ( β k , σ k * ) < σ < 1 . We also obtain new mean value results for the zeta-function of holomorphic cusp forms and the Rankin-Selberg series.