A note on random walk in random scenery
Amine Asselah, Fabienne Castell (2007)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Amine Asselah, Fabienne Castell (2007)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Jochen Geiger, Götz Kersting, Vladimir A. Vatutin (2003)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
Takahiko Nakazi (1984)
Studia Mathematica
Lajos Takács (1972)
Studia Mathematica
M. A. Lifshits (1994)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques
M. Sgibnev (2000)
Studia Mathematica
Let be a random walk drifting to -∞. We obtain an asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the supremum of which takes into account the influence of the roots of the equation being the underlying distribution. An estimate, of considerable generality, is given for the remainder term by means of submultiplicative weight functions. A similar problem for the stationary distribution of an oscillating random walk is also considered. The proofs rely on two general theorems for Laplace...
Klebanov, Lev, Rachev, Svetlozar (1996)
Serdica Mathematical Journal
* Research supported by NATO GRANT CRG 900 798 and by Humboldt Award for U.S. Scientists. In this paper a general theory of a random number of random variables is constructed. A description of all random variables ν admitting an analog of the Gaussian distribution under ν-summation, that is, the summation of a random number ν of random terms, is given. The v-infinitely divisible distributions are described for these ν-summations and finite estimates of the approximation of ν-sum...
Rita Giuliano Antonini (1997)
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova